Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Dangers of Atheism

i appreciate the support I've received on becoming a Catechumen. I know I have made the right decision.

I'm afraid I can't let my thoughts wander off the issues at hand however, regarding Christianity in this country. Examining Orthodoxy has opened my eyes to some very serious things going on, things I can't just let escape into some foggy recesses. So I'm going to continue to post my thoughts and feelings on these matters.
First, anybody who wants to post a response here about this can do so, but I'm not going to get into any more arguments about religion. Period, end of story. The Bible and Church traditions stand on their own and do not need to be the source of petty arguments, or relegated into any other category (i.e. mythology) other than for what they are, plain and simple, The Bible and Church Tradition.
Second, I reject atheism and deny the teachings of Richard Dawkins and any others that want to place themselves above God. If people can publicly say that they deny the Holy Spirit and the resurrection of Jesus, then I can publicly say that I deny atheism, humanism, optihumanism, secularism, etc. etc. I can also put on my blog that I denounce any attempts to dissolve Christian standards and beliefs in this country, and the attempts to relegate us to the "idiot" corners of society. We're not going to go away, and we're not going to be silenced by litigation. I stand for God, freedom and the United States of America. That used to be the rule rather than the exception 50 years ago. Yes, I am a Bill OReilly and Rush Limbaugh fan and yes, I agree with just about everything they say about the secular progressives and "drive by" media trying to take over this country. I'm not happy about it, and I will not pretend to be.
Third, I'm not targeting any specific group or individual for personal attack. I'm not opposed to anyone in this country being an atheist, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, etc, if that's what you choose to be. So if someone feels compelled to personally attack me here on this website for expressing my free speech, then by all means, go for it. But I'm done arguing religion. I stand by what I said.
Fourth, I spent this afternoon reading a European website dedicated to restoring faith in the Bible and science. It is called The Creation Science Movement. It is located at
Yes, it is founded by European Christians in the UK. I encourage everyone to read this. I also encourage people to remain "open minded" about religion as Christians are asked to be, over and over in today's day and age.
You believe in your god, I'll believe in mine.
But let me say this:
Christianity is a beautiful thing. Jesus is the best thing that ever happened to the human race. His teachings have withstood the test of time. I firmly believe that, and always will. So if that makes me stupid, an idiot, intellectually dishonest, scientifically illiterate, whatever, you fill in the blank, then I guess I am all those things according to secularist dogmatic teachings. But honestly? I don't care.
I'm going to go ahead and just uh...throw that Pascal's Wager out there and go with the safe bet that there is a God that has made a place for me when it is my time to go. I think I might just get the lucky dice.

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