Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Well I've only got about 20 minutes left before Halloween officially ends here.
Here's my final post for the month:

On the new birth control pills being distributed in the Portland, Maine public school system, it should come as no surprise that I would disagree with this approach. The arguments for it say that it's for those kids that don't have a "close" enough relationship with their parents and don't feel comfortable going to them out of fear of being abused, etc. etc. Or is it really that these kids just don't want to admit they are being sexually active. On paper, to school officials, this makes complete sense. "Absoluuutelly..." they say. "We are providing a good service." This is complete garbage.

Um, ok, so in my mind, what this really is, is the message that "ok, if you're not comfortable going to your parents about it," then "psst, here we are over here, come get your pills and a hug. It's okay. We won't tell your parents you got them here." Then bingo, Jack and Diane go do it, behind their parents back. With the blessing of the school system. And how is this not a dismantling of the family values system?

What about the monthly prescription fees for these pills? They ain't cheap. I guess that comes out of taxpayer money. (This is what's called forcing NEW values on society with YOUR tax dollars.) Do we see a pattern here? What about yeast infections that can occur from using pills? Or weight gain? Am I expected to be so stupid as to think that I won't notice if my teenage daughter isn't sexually active and using pills? let me paint a scenario. It's Monday afternoon football practice and 15 year old Joe has just bragged to his buddies in the locker room how he and 14 year old Sheila "hooked up" Friday night after the football game, and that she'd gotten her pills from the school counselor. Joe's buddies are gonna text their buddies, then their buddies....
Sheila doesn't want her mom to know how she got the pills, and she hopes she never finds out. Well it's all over the school now!!!
But let's suppose that Joe used a condom as a backup and it slipped off or maybe had a hole in it. Yes these things DO happen!!!
And Joe might have had some fun with some other girls beforehand. Think about the long term consequences of this.

So think about this you lefties before you just casually hand out pills to SOMEONE ELSE's kid as a theoretical answer to an epidemic problem in this country. If you found out YOUR kid was getting pills behind YOUR back, I really doubt you would like that very much because it takes the control away from YOU and puts it in SOMEONE ELSE's hands.

But that's okay as long as it's not your kid right?


This is just another product of the Boulder baby-boomer crowd that wants to appear "hip" and "cool" for today's youth, and to relive their own days of glory and to get back at their parents for having forced their "repressed" values on them.

(Let's call me Dad, not dude, okay?)

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Black Berets

Yeah, you've heard of the Green Berets right? No, I'm not talking about the movie starring John Wayne. I'm talking about the U.S. Army Special Forces.

From wikipedia:

The United States Army Special Forces, known in the United States simply as Special Forces or SF, is an elite special operations force of the U.S. Army trained for guerrilla warfare, unconventional warfare, and special operations. SF was founded in 1952 by Colonel Aaron Bank, and its members are informally known as "the Green Berets", because of the unit's distinctive green beret headgear. Their official motto is De Oppresso Liber (Latin: "To free the oppressed"), a reference to one of their primary missions to train and assist foreign indigenous forces.

That's an interesting term isn't it? "To free the oppressed..."

Isn't that what our soldiers are trying to do in Iraq? "To free the oppressed?"
Yet the far left wingers are hell bent on seeing that we don't achieve that goal, at least in the papers and in mainstream media.

From Bill's Talking Points Memo:

"Last night our lead story on 'The Factor' was the Medal of Honor awarded to Navy S.E.A.L. Lieutenant Michael Murphy who was killed in Afghanistan trying to save his unit. Lieutenant Murphy's bravery is chronicled in a best selling book, "Lone Survivor," and it is truly an incredible saga.

Why then did CNN and MSNBC fail to report the Medal of Honor story in primetime last night? Easy question, disturbing answer. Katie Couric on CBS News gave Lieutenant Murphy more than three minutes, Charles Gibson on ABC News more than two minutes, Brian Williams didn't report the ceremony although he did cover the story last week.

But apparently Lieutenant Murphy was not ready for primetime on our cable competition even though they had hours to get mention of it on the air. The hard truth is that MSNBC and CNN are not going to report stories that reflect well on the American military because those people over there despise the Bush administration and believe anything positive like American heroes in war zones, detract from their negative assessment of the administration.

Thus, the military becomes a casualty of a committed left-ideology that is in play on our competition. There is no question about it. And it is ideology that is driving those people, not which stories are worthy or an effective business plan.

Here is the proof. Over the first three weeks of October, this month, the FOX News Channel has doubled CNN and tripled MSNBC in the ratings at 8:00 p.m. "The Factor" beats those two combined with about a million viewers to spare. Nobody wins that big in television.

So ignoring great stories like Lieutenant Murphy can't be based on news value or business. It is just stupid ideology.

Now, I don't want to hear CNN or NBC News say they support the troops. I don't ever want to hear that.

Lieutenant Murphy is the only person to receive the Medal of Honor for action in Afghanistan, a war zone that is directly dealing with Al Qaeda and they're Taliban enablers.

Don't insult the American people by saying you are behind the troops when you ignore their heroism. CNN and NBC News can't get enough of negative war zone stories. They run them all day long. And really, how many heroes are there these days? And you ignore, ignore a Medal of Honor winner? Awful.

"Talking Points" has said this before. There is no accountability for the media in America. No election, no oversights. Only you, the folks, can hold them responsible.

On their primetime broadcast last night, CNN and MSNBC just said no to Lieutenant Michael Murphy and his proud family. There is no excuse."

Therefore, I coin these guys "The Black Berets" (not anything to do with skin color)for trying to put a black mark on our heroes by misleading the American public into believing that we are not achieving our goal in Iraq to "free the oppressed." They should absolutely be ashamed of themselves. So Saddam was better????

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I can't wait to see Ben Stein's new movie out next February. I saw him speak on OReilly last night and I really think his message is going to turn some heads about what is REALLY going on in this country in regards to secular academia and this "idea" of God. I think it will show that indeed those who believe in a Creator are being persecuted and pressured to "shut up" about their beliefs and leave God completely off the table for our kids to learn about, thus perpetuating the indoctrination that God does not exist well into their adulthood, forming a new society of God free intellectuals. This is dangerous.
Scientists, teachers, etc have lost their jobs over this. Uh...what about their First Amendment rights? They've clearly been violated. These pinheads say they really don't want to persecute. But they are. It is that simple.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The latest from Boulder High School and Catholic upheaval in San Francisco

I just watched a clip from the OReilly Factor on the recent walkout by 50 highschool students regarding the "under God" in the pledge. Here's the clip:

Same principal, Bud Jenkins, that had that mandated sex and drug talk assembly last spring with CHILDREN. And this is supposed to give us the impression that the next generation is going to be okay? Um okay...Bud Jenkins is "cool," "hip", "with it," etc. etc. encouraging the kids and sending the message that, "if you don't like something, just walk out." "I'm ok, you're ok." Well he ended up apologizing for THAT stupid stunt from last spring.
Yeah, I'm not too impressed and I'm not too impressed with these kids for what they did. I'd be more impressed with the kids that actually stayed put and did the right thing and stayed in the classroom.
Publicity stunt, plain and simple, that's all this is.

Moving on to the big scandal in San Francisco at the Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church:
The "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence," an anti-Catholic group, apparently had two of its members present at Mass on 10/7/07 dressed in nun drag garb. These "gals" remind me of Mardi Gras drag queens on steroids. They're seriously "out there."
This lovely couple went forth and received Communion. This angered some parishioners and those in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. San Francisco city officials have not officially commented on this as far as I am aware.
I saw the video and I didn't really see anything out of the ordinary other than two weirdly dressed people in line for Communion. I don't know anything about the situation so I can't really comment, however, I did read that this parish has allowed the SPI use of their facility for fund raising events and the prizes were items such as porn DVDs and sex toys. If this is true I do have a problem with that. That is most definitely crossing the line and the Catholic Church needs to step up to the plate and draw a serious line there. A Church is a family oriented atmosphere. You don't just go and rent out your facility for lewd things like this. Surely, with all the elaborate costumes the SPI has, I conclude that they would have SOME means and could afford a different venue to hold their weird parties.

Friday, October 12, 2007

The Ebay Rush

This is the best thing EVER.

The original letter from Harry Reid to Mark Mays, in a failed attempt to smear Rush Limbaugh, is now up for auction on ebay, along with a Haliburton titanium case. HAHA!!! Yes folks, the bid now stands at U.S. $5,600.00 and I am sure it will go MUCH higher before the auction closes a week from today. The winning proceeds will go to the Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation. This organization has provided monies to help children of those killed, for example, say, in the Oklahoma City bombing? May they rest in peace.

You stick it to them, Rush. You are my hero. And they say you are anti-military.

From the ebay auction site:

As winning bidder, you get:
- The original and infamous "Harry Reid Smear" letter, signed by 41 Democrat senators
- The Haliburton briefcase in which this letter is secured 24 hours a day
- A personal letter of thanks from the "Man Who Runs America," Rush Limbaugh
- A photograph of Rush displaying the letter on stage in Philadelphia on October 11th

Thursday, October 11, 2007

An Orthodox Balm for Europe

They say that Christianity is dying out in all developed countries. Well here's an article from a Rhode Island Professor that says otherwise. It's quite interesting. Quite.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The Inflatable Church

I found this website several years back and I thought it was hilarious.

They are also coming out with the "Inflatable Pub" and asundry items.

This is great. Now I'm thinking that Bishop Spong has a place he can preach his "Reformed Christianity" teachings wherever he wishes to go.

A New Holy Temple

My church is now officially a holy temple. Wow, I can't believe it. And our priest was elevated to Archpriest. It was truly a momentous occasion. We celebrated all weekend with parties, receptions, food, fellowship, dancing, tears and laughter. We survived a four hour service, huge family picnic, speeches, banjo picking priests...

In other news, I also went to the Kansas City Renaissance Festival and World of Fun Halloween Haunt this weekend. I highly recommend Asylum Island, however they wouldn't take me.

In other news, I watched the movie "1408." Great film, but I have some questions.

What caused the room to become "evil?" They never established that. We know why Reagan was possessed in "The Exorcist" and what was really growing in Rosemary's belly. But we don't know how 1408 got to be an evil hotel room.
All throughout the story, we (the audience) are shown horrific tales of the tragic endings of past occupants, and how the room affects each of these people differently. But, is this room really evil for Mike Enslin? Our hero is put through the wringer and in the end, he is forced to confront some harsh realities that he really didn't before. So, was this a good or bad thing?

Also, I have a HUGE problem with the hotel check-in clerk's line when she asks him..." are we spelling that today?"

DUH!!!! I spell it like I do every other day, lady!!!! Pull your head out.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Response to Rush

Harry Reid lost. BIG time. Here's the letter dated 10/2/07 from said Senator to Mark P. Mays, CEO of Clear Channel:

October 2, 2007

Mr. Mark P. Mays
CEO, Clear Channel Communications Inc.
200 East Basse Road
San Antonio, TX 78209

Dear Mr. Mays,

At the time we sign this letter, 3,808 American soldiers have been killed in Iraq, and another 28,009 have been wounded. 160,000 others awoke this morning on foreign sand, far from home, to face the danger and uncertainty of another day at war.

Although Americans of goodwill debate the merits of this war, we can all agree that those who serve with such great courage deserve our deepest respect and gratitude. That is why Rush Limbaugh’s recent characterization of troops who oppose the war as “phony soldiers” is such an outrage.

Our troops are fighting and dying to bring to others the freedoms that many take for granted. It is unconscionable that Mr. Limbaugh would criticize them for exercising the fundamentally American right to free speech. Mr. Limbaugh has made outrageous remarks before, but this affront to our soldiers is beyond the pale.

The military, like any community within the United States, includes members both for and against the war. Senior generals, such as General John Batiste and Paul Eaton, have come out against the war while others have publicly supported it. A December 2006 poll conducted by the Military Times found just 35 percent of service members approved of President Bush’s handling of the war in Iraq, compared to 42 percent who disapproved. From this figure alone, it is clear that Mr. Limbaugh’s insult is directed at thousands of American service members.

Active and retired members of our armed forces have a unique perspective on the war and offer a valuable contribution to our national debate. In August, seven soldiers wrote an op-ed expressing their concern with the current strategy in Iraq. Tragically, since then, two of those seven soldiers have made the ultimate sacrifice in Iraq.

Thousands of active troops and veterans were subjected to Mr. Limbaugh’s unpatriotic and indefensible comments on your broadcast. We trust you will agree that not a single one of our sons, daughters, neighbors and friends serving overseas is a “phony soldier.” We call on you to publicly repudiate these comments that call into question their service and sacrifice and to ask Mr. Limbaugh to apologize for his comments.


Senator Harry Reid, Majority Leader
Senator Richard Durbin, Assistant Majority Leader
Senator Charles Schumer, Vice Chairman, Democratic Conference
Senator Patty Murray, Secretary, Democratic Conference
Senator Daniel Akaka
Senator Max Baucus
Senator Joseph Biden
Senator Barbara Boxer
Senator Sherrod Brown
Senator Robert Byrd
Senator Benjamin Cardin
Senator Tom Carper
Senator Bob Casey
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton
Senator Kent Conrad
Senator Christopher Dodd
Senator Byron Dorgan
Senator Dianne Feinstein
Senator Tom Harkin
Senator Daniel Inouye
Senator Edward M. Kennedy
Senator John Kerry
Senator Amy Klobuchar
Senator Mary Landrieu
Senator Frank Lautenberg
Senator Patrick Leahy
Senator Carl Levin
Senator Blanche Lincoln
Senator Bob Menendez
Senator Barbara Mikulski
Senator Bill Nelson
Senator Barack Obama
Senator Jack Reed
Senator Jay Rockefeller
Senator Ken Salazar
Senator Bernie Sanders
Senator Debbie Stabenow
Senator Jon Tester
Senator Jim Webb
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
Senator Ron Wyden

And here is the response, It can be read here:

I don't think the response needs any further explanation, does it???

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Rush Limbaugh and the "Phony Soldiers"

This is just hilarious. Rush Limbaugh showed up the left with his "phony soldiers" remark and now they are pissed, so they have to attack him personally. Modus Operandi. He has extended an offer to Harry Reid to come on his program to discuss the matter, and I think the Senator should take him up on it.

Like John Kerry, Micah Wright, Jimmy Massey, and now Jesse Macbeth, Rush's "phony soldiers" remark wasn't out of line. It was right on target.