Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Well I've only got about 20 minutes left before Halloween officially ends here.
Here's my final post for the month:

On the new birth control pills being distributed in the Portland, Maine public school system, it should come as no surprise that I would disagree with this approach. The arguments for it say that it's for those kids that don't have a "close" enough relationship with their parents and don't feel comfortable going to them out of fear of being abused, etc. etc. Or is it really that these kids just don't want to admit they are being sexually active. On paper, to school officials, this makes complete sense. "Absoluuutelly..." they say. "We are providing a good service." This is complete garbage.

Um, ok, so in my mind, what this really is, is the message that "ok, if you're not comfortable going to your parents about it," then "psst, here we are over here, come get your pills and a hug. It's okay. We won't tell your parents you got them here." Then bingo, Jack and Diane go do it, behind their parents back. With the blessing of the school system. And how is this not a dismantling of the family values system?

What about the monthly prescription fees for these pills? They ain't cheap. I guess that comes out of taxpayer money. (This is what's called forcing NEW values on society with YOUR tax dollars.) Do we see a pattern here? What about yeast infections that can occur from using pills? Or weight gain? Am I expected to be so stupid as to think that I won't notice if my teenage daughter isn't sexually active and using pills? let me paint a scenario. It's Monday afternoon football practice and 15 year old Joe has just bragged to his buddies in the locker room how he and 14 year old Sheila "hooked up" Friday night after the football game, and that she'd gotten her pills from the school counselor. Joe's buddies are gonna text their buddies, then their buddies....
Sheila doesn't want her mom to know how she got the pills, and she hopes she never finds out. Well it's all over the school now!!!
But let's suppose that Joe used a condom as a backup and it slipped off or maybe had a hole in it. Yes these things DO happen!!!
And Joe might have had some fun with some other girls beforehand. Think about the long term consequences of this.

So think about this you lefties before you just casually hand out pills to SOMEONE ELSE's kid as a theoretical answer to an epidemic problem in this country. If you found out YOUR kid was getting pills behind YOUR back, I really doubt you would like that very much because it takes the control away from YOU and puts it in SOMEONE ELSE's hands.

But that's okay as long as it's not your kid right?


This is just another product of the Boulder baby-boomer crowd that wants to appear "hip" and "cool" for today's youth, and to relive their own days of glory and to get back at their parents for having forced their "repressed" values on them.

(Let's call me Dad, not dude, okay?)

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