Saturday, December 1, 2007

Why do...

other people who practice pagan religions and worship Earthly things in this modern day and age receive more respect than Christians do? I see evidence of this every day. Those that want to elevate themselves to a "higher consciousness" and believe that you can be your own God, and believe that human accomplishments trump our Lord and Savior receive more admiration and respect than someone who simply goes to a church, reads their bible and prays daily. That costs less money and is far simpler than trying to figure out numerology, runes, witchcraft, or trying to prove that Darwinism and humanism are superior to God. That's just messed up and gets you nowhere. Worshipping nature and ourselves is contrary to what God intended. God created us, nature and all the animals around us, so to worship those creatures and ourselves in place of God defeats His entire purpose.
Those that do not believe we were created to serve, IMHO, are the ones in the box and they always will be.

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