Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I hate moving

I really do hate moving. We're in the middle of a corporate relo to the upper Midwest so that's why I haven't posted in a while. Hopefully we will be done with this by the first week in June. Until then my posts may be scarce.

On the political front, haven't kept up with much over the last week except with the Clinton story coming out of Ohio with the woman she claimed was uninsured and died. Not surprised by that fabrication, and not even with her embellishments over the Bosnian trip. Mrs. Clinton has a history of saying and doing whatever it takes to get votes, even if it means lying to the American people to put us in a depressed state and to make us dependent on our government for our very existence. That is what she is basing her entire campaign on, and I believe it is part of what will be her demise. She is appearing more delusional every day. I could be wrong though.

But I really think that Obama is the media's "Golden Boy" and the spin will be so great even after this Wright controversy that he will get the nomination no matter how anti-American his circle of friends are. I have some ideas as to where our country may be headed if he becomes our president, but I will save them for a later post. Let's just say it has to do with an infiltration of a particular belief system that is slowly going to gnaw away at our identity and contribute to the dissolution of our American value system as we know it now. Folks, history is in the making and I'm just not sure it's in our best interests.

Not to say that I am that fond of John McCain. Personally, I think we need another Ronald Reagan but unfortunately we do not have that, and the future for anyone like that is looking very grim. Nobody is willing to take a true stand for our country anymore, not the Democrats or the Republicans. So I am at a true loss.

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