I've gotten pretty sick of the above overused phrases. Both parties are quoting them as political "power words" to drum up negative emotion and panic among the public. The banks aren't lending because they know they're going to get a fat bailout check within a few weeks, so why risk any more of their money when they don't have to? I just hope Barney Frank and his kind can continue to sleep at night.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Wall Street, Main Street and golden parachutes
I've gotten pretty sick of the above overused phrases. Both parties are quoting them as political "power words" to drum up negative emotion and panic among the public. The banks aren't lending because they know they're going to get a fat bailout check within a few weeks, so why risk any more of their money when they don't have to? I just hope Barney Frank and his kind can continue to sleep at night.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Prime example of our failing economy
This is what goes wrong when you play with people's money, and is a prime example of why we are where we are regarding the economy. This company operated with Abercrombie and Kent, a high end travel company based out of England. A&K has since terminated their agreement with Tanner and Haley. Former members have filed a lawsuit that is reported to be in the millions.
Financial News
Tanner & Haley Bankruptcy Incenses Timeshare Industry
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Glenn Haussman
WESTPORT, CT – When Tanner & Haley Resorts filed for bankruptcy protection earlier this summer, it put into question the business model in which the emerging destination club industry is based. Now the company is struggling to continue serving its 874 members even as it recently disclosed it suffered an operating loss of $64 million in 2005.
Just last week its founder and CEO Rob McGrath resigned and casting further down on the viability of Tanner & Haley, which enticed prospective members to join one of its three clubs with luxury vacations in such places such as Aspen and Cabo San Lucas.
To join destination clubs such as Tanner & Haley, new members provide the club with a deposit ranging from anywhere between $80,000 to more than $800,000 depending on the club. While consumers are promised they’ll receive the money back (less an administration fee that could be as high as 20 percent), this bankruptcy puts those deposits in peril for Tanner & Haley members. However, most clubs don’t actively market that members wanting to leave the club must wait for three new members to join. Additionally, members pay annual maintenance fees and daily use fees for access to each company’s luxury homes.
Many destination clubs base financial models on maintaining their homes with annual dues while member deposits are invested in real estate, which is then owned by the club rather than individual members. The club banks on the appreciation of real estate to make money.
Though the media and consumer market has lumped the destination club industry in with timeshare, it’s not an accurate assessment. Whereas timeshare has a real estate ownership component, destination clubs do not. So while timeshare or fractional owners actually own a portion of a deeded property, destination club member own nothing but the right to stay in their respective club’s homes.
And because destination clubs have been so closely linked with timeshare, the timeshare industry has been rallying for years to put into place consumer protections. At the American Resort Development Association’s (ARDA), President Howard C. Nusbaum has always feared that if and when one of these clubs went broke, the headline would read “Timeshare For Rich Fails,” casting a negative light on an industry that has worked diligently to foster a positive image. According to Nusbaum, when a destination club fails, the timeshare industry suffers.
“We believe this business model is fundamentally flawed,” Nusbaum told Hotel Interactive. “It is based on speculation [of real estate]. That scares us.”
Tanner & Haley got into financial hot water because of its guarantee to allow members to stay anytime, anyplace in one of its homes. If that home wasn’t available, the company would have to rent a suitable alternative, costing Tanner & Haley dearly as it scrambled to satisfy member demand by entering into costly short term leases.
Nusbaum is calling for the industry to be regulated like timeshare and have appropriate consumer protections. For example, he believes non-equity destination clubs should be required to have a third party insurance vehicle for membership reimbursements in case a club goes bust and also to be more transparent with their record keeping.
“We love entrepreneurship and we love new ideas, but we need to make sure promises that are made are promises kept. This model has no failsafe,” said Nusbaum.
Dr. Wayne Thorburn, CEO of the Texas Real Estate Commission and Commissioner of the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board agreed with Nusbaum’s assessment. His organization oversees and licenses all real estate transactions in the state, including any timeshare products that are to be sold or promoted directly to people in Texas.
He believes the destination club model does have its compelling side since it provides access to multi-million dollar homes and luxury hotel amenities, but insists regulation is necessary. He is calling for new rules to be put into place either under existing timeshare acts or separate legislation specifically written for non-equity clubs.
“It’s a little dangerous to be playing the real estate market and think appreciation of real estate is the way to make money,” said Thorburn “I am not surprised something like this happened.”
On its website, Tanner & Haley the company said it intends “to continue to meet substantially all travel commitments previously made to Members and to continue to provide Members with a wide range of destinations and services.”
The notice added they will use the Chapter 11 process to “stabilize the company’s finances, put the company on a sound financial footing and develop a more viable business model.”
In a press release issued in conjunction with the bankruptcy filing announcement, Holly Felder Etlin, a Principal at XRoads Solutions Group LLC, was named Chief Restructuring Officer, a new position. She said: "As part of the Chapter 11 process, we will be reviewing and, where appropriate, revising Tanner & Haley's business model so that, upon completion of the financial reorganization, the company will be better positioned to achieve long-term strength, stability, profitability and growth. We are also committed to having the company emerge from the process with greatly enhanced corporate governance and financial transparency."
Lawsuit claims luxury travel company Abercrombie & Kent duped timeshare investors
Associated Press
2:47 p.m., Sunday, July 29, 2007
LOS ANGELES -- Luxury travel company Abercrombie & Kent has been sued for allegedly duping investors into spending millions of dollars to join high-end vacation clubs that were not run by the tour group as they had believed.
The plaintiffs claim they lost their investments -- $100,000 to $1.3 million -- after the operator of the clubs went bankrupt. They said they would not have invested in the clubs had they known they were not run and operated by Abercrombie & Kent, the lawsuit said.
"The reason most of my clients bought into this club was because A&K has an excellent reputation, they assumed A&K was managing it," said plaintiffs attorney Brian Kabateck. "These people were misled and they've lost their money."
An after-hours call to Oak Brook, Illinois-based Abercrombie & Kent was not immediately returned.
The lawsuit said Abercrombie & Kent allowed other travel companies, Complete Retreats and Preferred Retreats, to use its brand names in connection with the marketing of destination clubs.
The use of the Abercrombie & Kent name in promotional materials misled investors, the lawsuit says, into believing the clubs were operated by the luxury travel company.
Abercrombie & Kent declined to comment on the litigation, but said it ended its relationship with Preferred Retreats and a Complete Retreats subsidiary in June 2005. The company maintained the licensing agreements required that all prospective members be informed that Abercrombie & Kent was not involved in the management or the operation of the clubs.
The lawsuit, filed Thursday in Los Angeles Superior Court, claims intentional misrepresentation, negligence and violation of the California unfair competition law and seeks an unspecified amount in damages.
Membership in the travel clubs would have allowed participants access to luxury resort residences, yachts, private jets, luxury cars and other amenities, the lawsuit says.
Financial News
Tanner & Haley Bankruptcy Incenses Timeshare Industry
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Glenn Haussman
WESTPORT, CT – When Tanner & Haley Resorts filed for bankruptcy protection earlier this summer, it put into question the business model in which the emerging destination club industry is based. Now the company is struggling to continue serving its 874 members even as it recently disclosed it suffered an operating loss of $64 million in 2005.
Just last week its founder and CEO Rob McGrath resigned and casting further down on the viability of Tanner & Haley, which enticed prospective members to join one of its three clubs with luxury vacations in such places such as Aspen and Cabo San Lucas.
To join destination clubs such as Tanner & Haley, new members provide the club with a deposit ranging from anywhere between $80,000 to more than $800,000 depending on the club. While consumers are promised they’ll receive the money back (less an administration fee that could be as high as 20 percent), this bankruptcy puts those deposits in peril for Tanner & Haley members. However, most clubs don’t actively market that members wanting to leave the club must wait for three new members to join. Additionally, members pay annual maintenance fees and daily use fees for access to each company’s luxury homes.
Many destination clubs base financial models on maintaining their homes with annual dues while member deposits are invested in real estate, which is then owned by the club rather than individual members. The club banks on the appreciation of real estate to make money.
Though the media and consumer market has lumped the destination club industry in with timeshare, it’s not an accurate assessment. Whereas timeshare has a real estate ownership component, destination clubs do not. So while timeshare or fractional owners actually own a portion of a deeded property, destination club member own nothing but the right to stay in their respective club’s homes.
And because destination clubs have been so closely linked with timeshare, the timeshare industry has been rallying for years to put into place consumer protections. At the American Resort Development Association’s (ARDA), President Howard C. Nusbaum has always feared that if and when one of these clubs went broke, the headline would read “Timeshare For Rich Fails,” casting a negative light on an industry that has worked diligently to foster a positive image. According to Nusbaum, when a destination club fails, the timeshare industry suffers.
“We believe this business model is fundamentally flawed,” Nusbaum told Hotel Interactive. “It is based on speculation [of real estate]. That scares us.”
Tanner & Haley got into financial hot water because of its guarantee to allow members to stay anytime, anyplace in one of its homes. If that home wasn’t available, the company would have to rent a suitable alternative, costing Tanner & Haley dearly as it scrambled to satisfy member demand by entering into costly short term leases.
Nusbaum is calling for the industry to be regulated like timeshare and have appropriate consumer protections. For example, he believes non-equity destination clubs should be required to have a third party insurance vehicle for membership reimbursements in case a club goes bust and also to be more transparent with their record keeping.
“We love entrepreneurship and we love new ideas, but we need to make sure promises that are made are promises kept. This model has no failsafe,” said Nusbaum.
Dr. Wayne Thorburn, CEO of the Texas Real Estate Commission and Commissioner of the Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board agreed with Nusbaum’s assessment. His organization oversees and licenses all real estate transactions in the state, including any timeshare products that are to be sold or promoted directly to people in Texas.
He believes the destination club model does have its compelling side since it provides access to multi-million dollar homes and luxury hotel amenities, but insists regulation is necessary. He is calling for new rules to be put into place either under existing timeshare acts or separate legislation specifically written for non-equity clubs.
“It’s a little dangerous to be playing the real estate market and think appreciation of real estate is the way to make money,” said Thorburn “I am not surprised something like this happened.”
On its website, Tanner & Haley the company said it intends “to continue to meet substantially all travel commitments previously made to Members and to continue to provide Members with a wide range of destinations and services.”
The notice added they will use the Chapter 11 process to “stabilize the company’s finances, put the company on a sound financial footing and develop a more viable business model.”
In a press release issued in conjunction with the bankruptcy filing announcement, Holly Felder Etlin, a Principal at XRoads Solutions Group LLC, was named Chief Restructuring Officer, a new position. She said: "As part of the Chapter 11 process, we will be reviewing and, where appropriate, revising Tanner & Haley's business model so that, upon completion of the financial reorganization, the company will be better positioned to achieve long-term strength, stability, profitability and growth. We are also committed to having the company emerge from the process with greatly enhanced corporate governance and financial transparency."
Lawsuit claims luxury travel company Abercrombie & Kent duped timeshare investors
Associated Press
2:47 p.m., Sunday, July 29, 2007
LOS ANGELES -- Luxury travel company Abercrombie & Kent has been sued for allegedly duping investors into spending millions of dollars to join high-end vacation clubs that were not run by the tour group as they had believed.
The plaintiffs claim they lost their investments -- $100,000 to $1.3 million -- after the operator of the clubs went bankrupt. They said they would not have invested in the clubs had they known they were not run and operated by Abercrombie & Kent, the lawsuit said.
"The reason most of my clients bought into this club was because A&K has an excellent reputation, they assumed A&K was managing it," said plaintiffs attorney Brian Kabateck. "These people were misled and they've lost their money."
An after-hours call to Oak Brook, Illinois-based Abercrombie & Kent was not immediately returned.
The lawsuit said Abercrombie & Kent allowed other travel companies, Complete Retreats and Preferred Retreats, to use its brand names in connection with the marketing of destination clubs.
The use of the Abercrombie & Kent name in promotional materials misled investors, the lawsuit says, into believing the clubs were operated by the luxury travel company.
Abercrombie & Kent declined to comment on the litigation, but said it ended its relationship with Preferred Retreats and a Complete Retreats subsidiary in June 2005. The company maintained the licensing agreements required that all prospective members be informed that Abercrombie & Kent was not involved in the management or the operation of the clubs.
The lawsuit, filed Thursday in Los Angeles Superior Court, claims intentional misrepresentation, negligence and violation of the California unfair competition law and seeks an unspecified amount in damages.
Membership in the travel clubs would have allowed participants access to luxury resort residences, yachts, private jets, luxury cars and other amenities, the lawsuit says.
"Call me if you need me"
The reason Barack Obama does not want to postpone the Presidential debate on Friday is because he wants to ride the wave he's on and use it to his advantage. If he was down, I'm not so sure he would have the same cocky attitude that he showed today. I believe he said he had been out on the golf course this morning. he's in Florida I guess just "hanging out" until he has to do the debate.
But he says the Senate can "call him if they need him" to make a decision on only the worst financial crisis since 1929. He dodged the reporters' questions, looked down a lot, and was just too cagey. Oh but he and McCain have big planes with "their logos" painted down the sides that can get them anywhere really fast. What does the logos comment have to do with anything? I detected more of his ego coming through in that statement than anything else. Does this sound like a Presidential candidate or a spoiled fraternity kid?
What McCain did today took guts. Political stunt? He's going to lose money in cancelled ads, appearances, etc. He has more balls than Obama. Only age, world experience, combined with his time in Vietnam could propel him to do such a thing.
Obama says "a President needs to be able to do more than one thing at a time." I suppose so if that involves playing golf while talking to Harry Reid on the phone.
But we don't need a "political photo op" do we...
On the economy, the proposed bailout is the worst thing I've seen. It's coming from a President that has lost all touch with reality. It's an act of desperation that's only going to turn our country into a Socialist regime. I have lost pretty much all faith in Bush.
If this bailout doesn't work, we may just see the unveiling of the new currency (Amero) and the North American Union become reality.
But he says the Senate can "call him if they need him" to make a decision on only the worst financial crisis since 1929. He dodged the reporters' questions, looked down a lot, and was just too cagey. Oh but he and McCain have big planes with "their logos" painted down the sides that can get them anywhere really fast. What does the logos comment have to do with anything? I detected more of his ego coming through in that statement than anything else. Does this sound like a Presidential candidate or a spoiled fraternity kid?
What McCain did today took guts. Political stunt? He's going to lose money in cancelled ads, appearances, etc. He has more balls than Obama. Only age, world experience, combined with his time in Vietnam could propel him to do such a thing.
Obama says "a President needs to be able to do more than one thing at a time." I suppose so if that involves playing golf while talking to Harry Reid on the phone.
But we don't need a "political photo op" do we...
On the economy, the proposed bailout is the worst thing I've seen. It's coming from a President that has lost all touch with reality. It's an act of desperation that's only going to turn our country into a Socialist regime. I have lost pretty much all faith in Bush.
If this bailout doesn't work, we may just see the unveiling of the new currency (Amero) and the North American Union become reality.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Fifth grader suspended
A fifth grader in Colorado was suspended after wearing an anti-Obama t shirt.
No surprise there. It's Colorado, liberal friendly, and they don't care about trampling on your rights if you're conservative. But I just bet if that kid had worn an anti-McCain t shirt he would have gotten high fives from his friends and the teacher would have overlooked it. Oh, and the cloak they used for suspending him was his "behavior."
If it had been the other way around, they would have spun his behavior as a separate "ADD" episode and set him up for psychological counseling for that, separate from wearing an anti-McCain shirt.
The father is suing the district. Good for him. If the liberals can sue someone, then so can a conservative. Works both ways.
In watching C-SPAN lately, I've noticed that they open every session with a Christian prayer and pledge of allegiance. Yes "under God" too! So, if this is good enough for the DNC and our lawmakers to do without acknowledgement to any other religions and they don't pull the Newdow or Croft crap, then it's good enough for the classroom. Stop walking out on America and trampling on our patriotism. It just makes you look foolish and immature.
No surprise there. It's Colorado, liberal friendly, and they don't care about trampling on your rights if you're conservative. But I just bet if that kid had worn an anti-McCain t shirt he would have gotten high fives from his friends and the teacher would have overlooked it. Oh, and the cloak they used for suspending him was his "behavior."
If it had been the other way around, they would have spun his behavior as a separate "ADD" episode and set him up for psychological counseling for that, separate from wearing an anti-McCain shirt.
The father is suing the district. Good for him. If the liberals can sue someone, then so can a conservative. Works both ways.
In watching C-SPAN lately, I've noticed that they open every session with a Christian prayer and pledge of allegiance. Yes "under God" too! So, if this is good enough for the DNC and our lawmakers to do without acknowledgement to any other religions and they don't pull the Newdow or Croft crap, then it's good enough for the classroom. Stop walking out on America and trampling on our patriotism. It just makes you look foolish and immature.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Free market economy a thing of the past?
I have to rewrite this because blogger failed to save/publish a really good article that I wrote a few minutes ago and I don't have the patience to recreate it. Basically America is in trouble if we don't get our heads out of the sand and wake up to the reality around us. Big Brother will be in charge which is what the elitists want, and the people really responsible for this mortgage crisis won't really have to pay. I can hear then salivating around the trough now, as they think up ways to bilk us for that $700 billion. Yeah right. Double or triple that.
We all will pay. The investor, instead of having investment banking choices on Wall Street, will now be forced to do business in a commercial bank or take his money overseas. That's ok for good ol Ted Kennedy but not for anyone else.
When we have another Depression on our hands, because we've been too stupid to make better decisions, we can line up for the Ritalin and Viagra to take the edge off.
We all will pay. The investor, instead of having investment banking choices on Wall Street, will now be forced to do business in a commercial bank or take his money overseas. That's ok for good ol Ted Kennedy but not for anyone else.
When we have another Depression on our hands, because we've been too stupid to make better decisions, we can line up for the Ritalin and Viagra to take the edge off.
Free market economy a thing of the past?
This is a followup to my posting earlier this week.
I've been watching the latest on the financial crisis unfold this week, as major investment bankers change their status to commercial banking, as oil prices continue to skyrocket, and our dollar has seen its worst record yet against the Euro. $700 billion price tag to bail us out? I highly doubt that. You can probably double or triple that. And this doesn't even touch the billions in our deficit.
Fans of big government are no doubt gathering to salivate at the trough this very moment, savoring what they'll probably call the "biggest victory yet" over the evils of capitalism and the free market economy. Screw the small business owners, the entrepeneurs, the go-getters who have made our country so great. "Big brother is going to bail you out."
Our country is falling apart. After two major hurricanes this year, cleanup still continuing after Katrina, this mortgage crisis, the war, immigration, our deficit, a new generation of retirees and not enough Social Security and Medicare to cover their costs, and a plethera of other things I could mention, we are in dire straits.
I know it sounds very negative. But these sobering facts are just what America needs to wake up and get her head out of the sand. We are losing our competitive edge in the global markets. Job loss is at an all time high. Medical bills are skyrocketing and the drug companies could care less if they keep us all high on ritalin and viagra.
Because we haven't paid attention and let the media and government do the thinking for us, Americans will not have the tools to fight back once our economy does collapse. Our government is going to step in and once again, preach their mantra about how they know what's best for us after all, and if we'd just trust Uncle Sam, we don't need to do anything.
The individuals responsible for the mortgage crisis are, in my opinion, scumbags, the lowest of the low, and don't deserve a penny for running their companies into the ground, ruining the lives of their employees, families and countrymen in the process. It's almost a reflection of Darwinism in itself, "The survival of the fittest." But I don't know how they can be punished without making innocent Americans pay for their greed. And that's what this bailout will wind up doing. Make us all pay. But isn't that what the elite establishment wants anyway? To redistribute all the wealth in this country and give us all a piece? I'll be looking for that piece next year when I file my taxes. I'm sure it will be there.
Unfortunately, those with fatter wallets among us will just take their investments elsewhere and stop fooling with the American markets, if commercial banking is all they can get on Wall Street after this is said and done. It won't be like Burger King anymore.
"You get it our way, Mr. Investor, or you don't get the son of a bitch."
That's ok, he will say, and take his money to Bermuda or Switzerland. Funny how that works.
But wait...don't the Kennedys have a lot of money overseas? What about that? Oh never mind...Ted Kennedy is a "man of the people," so that's perfectly okay. We can overlook that.
I've been watching the latest on the financial crisis unfold this week, as major investment bankers change their status to commercial banking, as oil prices continue to skyrocket, and our dollar has seen its worst record yet against the Euro. $700 billion price tag to bail us out? I highly doubt that. You can probably double or triple that. And this doesn't even touch the billions in our deficit.
Fans of big government are no doubt gathering to salivate at the trough this very moment, savoring what they'll probably call the "biggest victory yet" over the evils of capitalism and the free market economy. Screw the small business owners, the entrepeneurs, the go-getters who have made our country so great. "Big brother is going to bail you out."
Our country is falling apart. After two major hurricanes this year, cleanup still continuing after Katrina, this mortgage crisis, the war, immigration, our deficit, a new generation of retirees and not enough Social Security and Medicare to cover their costs, and a plethera of other things I could mention, we are in dire straits.
I know it sounds very negative. But these sobering facts are just what America needs to wake up and get her head out of the sand. We are losing our competitive edge in the global markets. Job loss is at an all time high. Medical bills are skyrocketing and the drug companies could care less if they keep us all high on ritalin and viagra.
Because we haven't paid attention and let the media and government do the thinking for us, Americans will not have the tools to fight back once our economy does collapse. Our government is going to step in and once again, preach their mantra about how they know what's best for us after all, and if we'd just trust Uncle Sam, we don't need to do anything.
The individuals responsible for the mortgage crisis are, in my opinion, scumbags, the lowest of the low, and don't deserve a penny for running their companies into the ground, ruining the lives of their employees, families and countrymen in the process. It's almost a reflection of Darwinism in itself, "The survival of the fittest." But I don't know how they can be punished without making innocent Americans pay for their greed. And that's what this bailout will wind up doing. Make us all pay. But isn't that what the elite establishment wants anyway? To redistribute all the wealth in this country and give us all a piece? I'll be looking for that piece next year when I file my taxes. I'm sure it will be there.
Unfortunately, those with fatter wallets among us will just take their investments elsewhere and stop fooling with the American markets, if commercial banking is all they can get on Wall Street after this is said and done. It won't be like Burger King anymore.
"You get it our way, Mr. Investor, or you don't get the son of a bitch."
That's ok, he will say, and take his money to Bermuda or Switzerland. Funny how that works.
But wait...don't the Kennedys have a lot of money overseas? What about that? Oh never mind...Ted Kennedy is a "man of the people," so that's perfectly okay. We can overlook that.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Get out the German Shepherds
That's right. A Denver University professsor assigned, to his class, a paper to be written specifically targeting Palin. He had 2 classes and apparently one class didn't speak up about it so when a student in his other class did he used the old, "Well they didn't say anything so you shouldn't either," intimidation tactic.
One of Hallam's students, Jana Barber, took her concerns about the assignment to KCNC4, which broadcast a story Wednesday night.
Barber spoke with the TV station and on the Mike Rosen radio show this morning, before filing a complaint against Hallam with the school later in the day, said Cathy Lucas, a spokeswoman for Metro State.
Lucas said Hallam made the assignment last Thursday. After consideration, he broadened it at the next class on Tuesday to allow students to write about Barack Obama, Joe Biden and John McCain, she said.
Yeah, of course he did. If the students hadn't taken action would he have changed his tune? Very very doubtful. And even then he won't pick apart the ones that write about Obama, I betcha.
I don't recall in any of my political science classes in my undergrad years being assigned anything of this nature. It was always about ISSUES and not CANDIDATES. One could always tie them in as part of the assignment I suppose, but these new directions our Universities are taking is really scary, considering that liberals want even more public education money. Public education money endorsed by liberal Democrats=professors that will say and do anything to keep their jobs=teaching a one sided view of society to students=becoming a puppet for our increasingly liberal society=donations for public education to keep the circle going. And this is teaching non partisanship and thinking objectively in our school systems exactly how???
Why do they not want vouchers and discourage and ridicule homeschooled kids? Why do they not want parents to have a choice in how to educate their children? Because the liberal mantra is what they want imposed on society and this is how they plan to do it.
When I was in grad school I was assigned a paper on human relations. Completely open to interpretation. Open ended questions. When I handed in my assignment, which was a paper on the brutality of the North Korean Gulag, the Holocaust, stem cell research and abortion, I received a written reprimand from the committee that handled my paper. First they implied I had not interpreted the questions "correctly" and that abortion and stem cell research were not human relations issues. No, I did interpret the questions correctly because they were open ended and no answer was considered "wrong." They made it "wrong" because I questioned the establishment. And um, yeah, last I checked, abortion and stem cell research are human relations issues. Hell, they're political issues too. Can't have your cake and eat it too!
Had it not been pass or fail on that particular paper, I doubt I would have passed the class. That is how biased it is. If you agree with the liberal doctrine and question everything else, you will go far in this life. If you do the opposite, you will be ousted and persecuted. You will lose job opportunities, promotions, you won't be able to "save face" with those around you because you don't "go with" the crowd.
One of Hallam's students, Jana Barber, took her concerns about the assignment to KCNC4, which broadcast a story Wednesday night.
Barber spoke with the TV station and on the Mike Rosen radio show this morning, before filing a complaint against Hallam with the school later in the day, said Cathy Lucas, a spokeswoman for Metro State.
Lucas said Hallam made the assignment last Thursday. After consideration, he broadened it at the next class on Tuesday to allow students to write about Barack Obama, Joe Biden and John McCain, she said.
Yeah, of course he did. If the students hadn't taken action would he have changed his tune? Very very doubtful. And even then he won't pick apart the ones that write about Obama, I betcha.
I don't recall in any of my political science classes in my undergrad years being assigned anything of this nature. It was always about ISSUES and not CANDIDATES. One could always tie them in as part of the assignment I suppose, but these new directions our Universities are taking is really scary, considering that liberals want even more public education money. Public education money endorsed by liberal Democrats=professors that will say and do anything to keep their jobs=teaching a one sided view of society to students=becoming a puppet for our increasingly liberal society=donations for public education to keep the circle going. And this is teaching non partisanship and thinking objectively in our school systems exactly how???
Why do they not want vouchers and discourage and ridicule homeschooled kids? Why do they not want parents to have a choice in how to educate their children? Because the liberal mantra is what they want imposed on society and this is how they plan to do it.
When I was in grad school I was assigned a paper on human relations. Completely open to interpretation. Open ended questions. When I handed in my assignment, which was a paper on the brutality of the North Korean Gulag, the Holocaust, stem cell research and abortion, I received a written reprimand from the committee that handled my paper. First they implied I had not interpreted the questions "correctly" and that abortion and stem cell research were not human relations issues. No, I did interpret the questions correctly because they were open ended and no answer was considered "wrong." They made it "wrong" because I questioned the establishment. And um, yeah, last I checked, abortion and stem cell research are human relations issues. Hell, they're political issues too. Can't have your cake and eat it too!
Had it not been pass or fail on that particular paper, I doubt I would have passed the class. That is how biased it is. If you agree with the liberal doctrine and question everything else, you will go far in this life. If you do the opposite, you will be ousted and persecuted. You will lose job opportunities, promotions, you won't be able to "save face" with those around you because you don't "go with" the crowd.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Why Sarah Palin should not be VP
Just thought I'd add some thoughts on why Sarah Palin should not be the next VP of the United States.
1) She's a former small town mayor
2) She's a right-wing fundamentalist wacko
3) She shoots moose
4) She's a hockey mom pit bull lipstick-wearing "barracuda"
5) She's never had an abortion
6) She has 5 kids, one with Down's Syndrome, and no woman should ever consider having lofty goals in that kind of situation (unless she is Nancy Pelosi or another liberal woman of course)
7) She gave money back to the taxpayers of AK
8) Her daughter is 17 and pregnant
9) She has absolutely no experience to be VP
10) She doesn't take any crap from anybody
11) One magazine prints "Why Obama loves Michelle" while another prints "Babies, lies and scandal" when it comes to Sarah Palin without checking their facts
If you sincerely believe that she is inexperienced due to what I have put in the above list, you have been led down the path by the looney left that only considers women to be true pioneers if they lean their way. Truth is, she's shaking up Washington like never before, and there's even rumours that Joe Biden might be thinking he was not the best pick for Democratic VP. Wouldn't that be interesting?
But Biden will never drop the ticket. It will be interesting to see how much the Clintons really help the Obama campaign, or if they are just putting on a facade.
Speaking of facade, I love how Obama and McCain were at ground zero today. Good photo ops and PC behavior. Tomorrow they'll drag out the attack dogs again. America has learned absolutely NOTHING from 9/11. Good luck on reaching across the aisle there.
1) She's a former small town mayor
2) She's a right-wing fundamentalist wacko
3) She shoots moose
4) She's a hockey mom pit bull lipstick-wearing "barracuda"
5) She's never had an abortion
6) She has 5 kids, one with Down's Syndrome, and no woman should ever consider having lofty goals in that kind of situation (unless she is Nancy Pelosi or another liberal woman of course)
7) She gave money back to the taxpayers of AK
8) Her daughter is 17 and pregnant
9) She has absolutely no experience to be VP
10) She doesn't take any crap from anybody
11) One magazine prints "Why Obama loves Michelle" while another prints "Babies, lies and scandal" when it comes to Sarah Palin without checking their facts
If you sincerely believe that she is inexperienced due to what I have put in the above list, you have been led down the path by the looney left that only considers women to be true pioneers if they lean their way. Truth is, she's shaking up Washington like never before, and there's even rumours that Joe Biden might be thinking he was not the best pick for Democratic VP. Wouldn't that be interesting?
But Biden will never drop the ticket. It will be interesting to see how much the Clintons really help the Obama campaign, or if they are just putting on a facade.
Speaking of facade, I love how Obama and McCain were at ground zero today. Good photo ops and PC behavior. Tomorrow they'll drag out the attack dogs again. America has learned absolutely NOTHING from 9/11. Good luck on reaching across the aisle there.
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