Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why Sarah Palin should not be VP

Just thought I'd add some thoughts on why Sarah Palin should not be the next VP of the United States.

1) She's a former small town mayor
2) She's a right-wing fundamentalist wacko
3) She shoots moose
4) She's a hockey mom pit bull lipstick-wearing "barracuda"
5) She's never had an abortion
6) She has 5 kids, one with Down's Syndrome, and no woman should ever consider having lofty goals in that kind of situation (unless she is Nancy Pelosi or another liberal woman of course)
7) She gave money back to the taxpayers of AK
8) Her daughter is 17 and pregnant
9) She has absolutely no experience to be VP
10) She doesn't take any crap from anybody
11) One magazine prints "Why Obama loves Michelle" while another prints "Babies, lies and scandal" when it comes to Sarah Palin without checking their facts

If you sincerely believe that she is inexperienced due to what I have put in the above list, you have been led down the path by the looney left that only considers women to be true pioneers if they lean their way. Truth is, she's shaking up Washington like never before, and there's even rumours that Joe Biden might be thinking he was not the best pick for Democratic VP. Wouldn't that be interesting?
But Biden will never drop the ticket. It will be interesting to see how much the Clintons really help the Obama campaign, or if they are just putting on a facade.

Speaking of facade, I love how Obama and McCain were at ground zero today. Good photo ops and PC behavior. Tomorrow they'll drag out the attack dogs again. America has learned absolutely NOTHING from 9/11. Good luck on reaching across the aisle there.

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