Friday, August 10, 2007

Is there no end?

I have done some more research on our "Croft Crusader," and I came upon his 19 page chronology leading up to the lawsuit he filed against the governor for the "Moment of Silence" issue. It can be found here:

Click on the word "chronology." I have no doubt that this man is doing his children more harm than good by going to these extremes to have God removed completely from public schools. He refers to God as "just pretend" and rewards his children with "candy, french fries and a new gamecube" when they experience a temporary win over whether or not a Christian Christmas song should be featured in a school performance.

Wow, here's a concept, Mr. Croft. Let's say that your children, even after years of your anti-Christian brainwashing and interference with other people's belief systems, decide FOR THEMSELVES that they would actually like to attend a church somewhere and get involved in something that does not line up with your secular belief system. WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO? They may be too old to buy off with candy and a playstation, sir. You might just have to....oh my God....accept it???? Or will you be able to?


Anonymous said...

I have already thought what I will do if my son comes home and says he's a fundamentalist. Love him. I will wonder how he reconciles all the facts of the big bang and evolution but if he turns out like Francis Collins I will have no worries. I doubt this will happen because if you aren't spoon fed xianity as true and taught science and skepticism you are usually to wise to believe in mythology.

Swordsandlace said...

Xianity and Xians = intended to be a mild form of offense, am I correct? (I think it may be Chi, not Xi.)
"Those bloody Xians are at it again!" You say! Or is it Chians? (LOL.)
Don't worry TX Athiest, I'm not taking offense. I'm not going to use different language to describe what you are. An Atheist.
And I'm not going to say that your belief system is tantamount to mythology either. I'm too wise to do that.