Friday, August 17, 2007

Why do we eat Jesus?

Wow, this is absolutely fascinating. I just got this from a website called

The subject is "Communion." A family goes to church. Look at this "dialogue."

If you are looking for an easy way to prove to yourself that Jesus is not God, try this simple experiment. Take a small child, perhaps age 4 or 5, to church on Sunday and let the child watch communion. You may experience something like this:
Child: Daddy, what are they doing?
Daddy: Well dear, this part of the service is called communion.
Child: What's communion?
Daddy: Well, it's where... Well, it's... you know, what we do is we eat Jesus' body to... Well, it's complicated. Let me see...
Child: We eat Jesus' BODY???
Daddy: Yes. Well, no, but...
Child: Why do we need to eat Jesus??? I don't want to eat Jesus!!!
Daddy: No, no, no. It's OK honey. It's OK. Be quiet now, don't cry in church. Shhhh. Shush. Now it's OK.
Child: But Daddy, I don't want to eat Jesus!
Daddy: Mom, help me out here.
Mom: Honey, it is a holy sacrament. You see, we eat Jesus' body and we drink his blood because...
Child: I have to drink his blood too??? Mommy, I don't want to drink blood!!!
Mom: Honey, calm down! You don't actually drink his blood.
Child: But that man up there is holding up a cup and he is saying that it is Jesus' blood! Mommy! I want to leave! I am leaving!
Mom, Dad: No honey! Wait! We can't leave now!

Well, I have never been to a communion where I have seen children act like this. Children are inquisitive creatures and I hardly think that one would act like this in a holy service, but would want to know more about why we do it and not be afraid.

This is propaganda plain and simple. The people at this website are simply inserting this dialogue and scenario into this, hopeful that any parents that "are just not sure" about Christ can be duped by his "gotcha!" trick on the uneducated. Then when you look further into his arguments and click on his videos it says "by viewing these videos you will be able to educate yourselves on why the Bible is repulsive, this is the best optical illusion in the world, etc, etc, (Insert video name here, there are many.)
In telling Christians in his videos that they are "smart and intelligent" he is actually using a lot of reverse psychology on them, to lure them into watching his propaganda. Then he inserts the tests and theories and scientific data, then concludes with "God is imaginary. Science proves it. Now if you are an intelligent person, you have begun to see this by now."
Wow! They say. Oh my gosh. No need to look up anything in my Bible anymore. This man has just given me all the rationale I need to start doubting my Lord and Savior. This is EXACTLY the response he wants, and this is what makes this website so dangerous.
I use that word carefully because I'm certain the author wants to be portrayed that way, to scare the majority of people who do not have an understanding about what it means to have a relationship with Jesus Christ. I'm sure this beefs him up and makes him feel superior intellectually, like he is "standing for something."
Well he forgets the Old Covenant teachings in the Bible. Yes, the Old Testament is violent, and yes there are many, many unpleasant things in it. But this is why God sent His Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for our sins.
John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever shall believeth in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life."
The reason there are so many evil things in the Old Testament is because of two things: Sin and Satan. Satan is usually not referenced much by non believers, simply because they discount Satan as a myth, not to be bothered with. But it leaves a HUGE hole in why they argue against God.
For one thing, the Bible is not one book, but many books, written by many different authors over a period of several hundreds of years. They discount it, yet praise a book written by one secularist or humanist such as Richard Dawkins, David Mills as being "authoritative" and conclusive proof that God does not exist. This to me is limiting and therefore not being indicative of having an "open mind," as many secularists claim to have.
We are separated from God by sin. When Adam and Eve chose to eat from the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden, they severed that wonderful perfect gift that God gave us. Therefore, the world became a sinister, evil place. Genesis 4 tells us of the first murder in the Bible. When we sin, we must pay the consequences. In the Old Testament, the penalties for sin was death.
But in the New Testament, all of that changed. The secularists use the Old Testament as the basis for their argument that God is evil and asks the question, "Why would we want to worship such an evil and hateful God?"
This seems like an easy out for them doesn't it? To explain all their theories and take away any sense of accountability for their actions. This is why it is so important for Christians to educate themselves on why we need a relationship with Jesus Christ.

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