Thursday, September 6, 2007

Evolution is like a box

Evolution is like a box. I cannot replace humanist thought with all that is within my spiritual being. I cannot believe that the Bible is mythology. I cannot believe that Christ is a myth, not when I see the wonders of the Earth around me. To take the worldly gifts I have been given by God and replace them with the teachings of a mere man seems to me to be going backward.

"Unfortunately, the origin of the cell remains a question that is actually the murkiest aspect of the whole theory of evolution."
-Alexander Oparin, Origin of Life, pg. 196

"Can matter organize itself? No! Today there is no known circumstance under which one could affirm that microscopic beings have come into the world without parents resembling themselves."
-Louis Pasteur, Fox & Dose, Origin of Life, pg. 4-5

The American scientist, Stanley Miller, tried to conduct experiments in 1953. He triggered a reaction in gases he claimed would have been primitive to Earth's early atmosphere. At the time, this was regarded as scientific proof for evolution. It was false. Later discoveries showed that the gases used were different than the ones that would have been present in the early atmosphere of the world. He had to confess his error.

There is nothing wrong with admitting error! We are humans and make mistakes.

Jeffrey Bada even admits that we don't have all the answers.

"Today, as we leave the 20th century, we still face the biggest unsolved problem that we had when we entered the 20th century: how did life originate on earth?"
Jeffrey Bada, February 1998 issue of Earth Magazine

How could complex cell systems be derived from just some matter? Are we so arrogant? I just don't think a living cell from non living matter will ever be done in a laboratory as part of some experiment, by man, with all his intelligence, technology and scientific advances, even though evolutionists keep claiming this is how we came to be.

"The chance that higher life forms might have emerged by chance is comparable with the chance that a tornado sweeping through a junk-yard might assemble a Boeing 747 from the materials within."
-Fred Hoyle, Nature, Nov 1981

The scientists that discovered the DNA strand, James Watson and Frances Crick, acknowledged that life was much more complex than previously thought. Frances Crick, an evolutionist, and Nobel Prize winner, confessed that the DNA structure could never have emerged by chance.
We are wowed by the large hard drive spaces we can purchase for our computers, yet there is no way it can compare to the vast amount of DNA stored in one single cell. It is said that if you took a teaspoon and filled it with DNA, it would be the same as storing the amount of all the books ever written.
How can a human being ever duplicate this?
How could this just come from some matter, and we could come from one common ancestor? Not by chance or haphazard happenings.

Creation=Creator with eternal power and wisdom maybe?

"Natural selection can do nothing until favorable variations chance to occur."
-Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, 1 ed. p. 177

"No one has ever produced a species by mechanisms of natural selection. No one has ever got near it. And most of the current argument in neo-Darwinism is about this question."
-Colin Patterson, BBC, Cladistics, March 1982

So we supposedly came from the common ancestor, or Milyar Yil, a common cell that evolved into marine invertebrates, then fish, then they evolved onto land, and turned into reptiles. Birds and mammals then evolved from reptiles. There should be intermediary species right? Linking one living species to another. Half birds, half reptile creatures would exist, with half developed organs.

"if my theory is true, numberless intermediate varieties, linking most closely all the species of the same group together must assuredly have existed...consequently, evidence of their former existence could be found only amongst fossil remains."
-Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, 1st. ed. pg. 179

There are no fossil records containing any of these intermediary forms.

"Why, if species have descended from other species by fine gradations, do we not see everywhere innumerable transitional forms? But, as by this theory, innumerable transitional forms must have existed, why do we not find them embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth?"
-Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, 1st. ed. pg. 172

For 140 years, geologists have looked for these missing fossils. But these fossils remain figments of Darwin's imagination. British evolutionist Derek Ager admits this.

"The point emerges that if we examine the fossil record in detail, whether at the level of order or of species, we find over and over again, not gradual evolution, but the sudden explosion of one group at the expense of another."
-Derek Ager, Proceedings of the British Geological Association, Vol 87, p. 133

The Cambrian species of marine life came to life all of a sudden according to fossil records estimated to be 530 million years old.

"It is as though the species of the Cambrian were just planted there, without any evolutionary history."
-Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, 1986, pg 229

What does this do to Darwin's theory?

"If numerous species belonging to the same genera of families have really started into life all at once, the fact would be fatal to the theory of descent with slow modification through natural selection."
-Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, 1 ed. pg 302

"A major problem of proving the theory has been the fossil record. This record has never revealed traces of Darwin's hypothetical intermediate variants. Instead, species appear and disappear abruptly. and this anomaly has fueled the creationist argument that each species was created by God."
-Mark Czarnecki, McLean's, January 1981

A 400 million year old shark and a modern day shark share the same structure. Similarly a 100 million year old ant and a modern ant are the same. A million year old dragonfly and a modern dragonfly are the same. The same with a 100 million yr old turtle=modern day turtle. 55 million year old bat=modern day bat.

For years, Coelacanth was touted as one such transtionary fossil. It ended up just being a modern day fish unable to make the leap to land.

Australopithecus, a man-like creature used to help advance the theory of man's evolution, is nothing more than an extinct ape species

Other skulls used to advance this theory, Homo Erectus, Homo Ergaster, or Homo Sapiens Archaic, in fact, belong to different human races, not one evolved race. The fossil differences of these skulls are not much different than what we have found today.

"These differences are probably no more pronounced than than we see today between the separate geographical races of modern humans.
-Richard Leakey, the Making of Mankind, 1981, p. 62

The missing link? Propaganda. Drawings in magazines, depicting large hairy ape and human like creatures. They give the impression that these half man/half ape have always existed. These are planted into the subconscious of society.

"You can with equal facility model on a Neanderthaloid skull the features of a chimpanzee or the lineaments of a philosopher. These alleged restorations of ancient types of man have very little if any scientific value and are likely only to mislead the public."
-Earnest Hooten, Up from the Ape, 1931, p. 332

Then there is the "Piltdown Forgery." How embarrassing THAT must have been!
A fossil was produced in 1912 by Charles Dawson, He attached an orangutan's jaw to a human skull and it was debunked as a forgery in 1949. This was presented as fast as the "missing link!"

The Nebraska Man - 1922 based on a single fossil tooth
complete with Latin name and imaginary drawing
The tooth belonged to a wild pig!!!!

Neanderthal Man, advanced as evidence in 1856, dismissed in 1960
Piltdown Manm advanced as evidence in 1912, dismissed in 1953
Zinjanthrohopus, advanced as evidence in 1959, dismissed in 1960
Ramapithecus, advanced in 1964, dismissed in 1979

Still these findings make their way into magazines and textbooks as fact. Much of it is still presented to schoolchildren in their textbooks.
The truth that evolutionists try to hide is there for all to see, that species appeared abrubtly and without error. They were created.

I won't live in a box built by evolutionists. I won't be fed their bunk every day. They want to call my faith delusion? Fine. They want to call my Bible mythology? Fine. You could come to my house and tell me I have to believe in evolution or you're going to take my bible away. No matter. I would still believe. There's nothing an evolutionist can do, now that I have seen and read this, to ever convince me that their teachings are far superior to what my faith has taught me. Not in 530 million years.


Anonymous said...

Why argue and explain what you are not understanding? Archaeopteryx and it absolutely is a bird and reptile transitional fossil no matter how many creationists tell you it's not. and take care, goodbye.

Anonymous said...

Why argue and explain what you are not understanding? Archaeopteryx and it absolutely is a bird and reptile transitional fossil no matter how many creationists tell you it's not. and take care, goodbye.

Swordsandlace said...

"No creationists were harmed in the making of this blog."
I used completely secular statements in my last blog, TX. Come on, tsk tsk, shame on you! :)

Why argue and explain what I'm not understanding? What??

Hmm...if I really analyze that statement, I'd say you were either A) trying to put words into my mouth and admit to some error I made that I don't "understand" evolution as you see it and that I just "don't get it" and that must exasperate the hell out of you, or B) You say I am insisting that I really do not understand and I must be browbeaten with propaganda that my bible is a myth and God is a myth and there's no way He made all that surrounds me. Which is it?

Secondly, I'd be happy to include on here as a consideration for Archaeopteryx, along with some other links to make this fair. Being well informed and educated means looking at many sources and drawing a conclusion. That's what I was taught in graduate school at least. (Or does being well educated only mean reading and considering the sources your camp endorses?)

As I have said before, I am all for learning about many topics and considering data from all viewpoints. The better informed we are, the better choices we can make. What about that do you not understand?
(secular site) (creationist site)

I'll just start with these for now. There's a lot of information we can learn once we understand who Archaeopteryx was.

Heck, I'll even toss in some youtube videos:

I didn't have a lot of time to do a huge search here, so please forgive me.