Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The highest "Bidenator"

Rush Limbaugh called it last week when he said that Hillary would use her speech last night to convince the American people that she should have been the VP nominee. And, as predicted, this is exactly what all the commentators have said. I don't know enough about Joe Biden to decide whether or not he is a good VP candidate or not, but it seems to me that Barack Obama made the "safest" choice with what he had in front of him. I call it the "Biden condom" for lack of better words.

The Clintons have dominated the landscape for a very long period of time, but what about the Kennedys? How long has Ted Kennedy been in office? Come on. The Bushes have been around for a long time too. So to suddenly imply that this is because the DNC needs to rid themselves of the Clintons all of a sudden sounds awfully suspicious to me.

Another thing that srikes me as odd, and that is this thing with Ohio congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones, who was scheduled to speak at the DNC convention. At least that's what I understood from the news reports. She was a staunch Hillary supporter and suddenly suffered a brain aneurism while driving and subsequently died. It might just be coincidence, but she was a black woman that supported Hillary. Hardly anything has been said about her death. Barack and Biden are going to attend her funeral after the convention. This woman was alone in her car driving on the road after meeting some friends when this all happened. I just find it very very suspicious that this occurs just days before the convention. What did she know? Did she know anything? Was she a threat to the Obama campaign? Maybe, maybe not. But it's one of those things that makes me go "hmmmm..."


Eric Dion Baker said...

Biden was of course a safe choice. After all, you can't promote "change" and *really* change everything. I mean, you're already stretching the American people to their limits by being black and actually having the nomination for President. To have a non-old white male as a running mate would not be promoting change, that would just be good old-fashioned political suicide.

Speaking of being black and President, where's all the news coverage of the protestors further to the left who are like "ain't no way some suit-and-tie negro is running this country? i got the shotgun already loaded..." That may sound harsh, but come on, we *know* they are out there...

Swordsandlace said...

There are many people that will say one thing and do another. Many Democrats will not say publicly they would not vote for Obama because he's black but they won't do that because then they'll just be labeled as racists and if they're Democrat that goes against everything they are "for." It's got to be hush hush. I remember when J.C. Watts became an OK Congressman. Brilliant man, but he got crucified for being a black Republican. It's ok to be black and Democract but black and Republican? Forget it. And I thought our country promoted diversity.