Thursday, July 23, 2009

Federal appeals court upholds Texas law requiring a minute of silence in schools

I still keep up with the case on David Croft in Texas and his attempts to remove the moment of silence from the local public schools. Apparently the latest news from March 2009 is that the courts are upholding the moment of silence. I imagine it has cost the Crofts a lot in terms of personal freedoms and monetary expenses. That is very sad. I do not wish such a thing on people.

However, and I will say this until there's a point where Christians will have to leave the USA, that if opening up legislative sessions in our own government begin with a prayer and reciting the pledge of allegiance, then the atheists need to just give it a rest. Seriously. There aren't any doctors or courts in this country (at this time anyway) that will officially be able to declare Christianity a mental disorder for the purposes of dismantling our Constitution and rights to practice Christianity, and that's really what their ultimate goal is. They aren't there to remove anything else or any other religious practices, because for them, nothing conflicts with their agenda more.

Without knowledge of ths Croft case, I might not have reexamined my own faith more closely. I'm sure this is not what a diehard atheist would ever want to hear though.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Why Americans will stop traveling around the US

Gee, summer's here. Time to take the kids to Disney, or somewhere nice and warm for a vacation. But wait. Before you take that plunge to fly to a U.S. city for your next getaway, better read and understand, for example, what a car rental will really cost you. In these days of shrinking wallets, here's what I found on's website for a one week rental of an economy car in Oct 2009:

Rental Time Charge $363.75
Customer Facility Charge ($4.00 per day) $28.00
Energy Recovery Fee ($0.45 per day) $3.15
Privilege Fee (9.89%) $36.61
STATE TRANSACT TAX ($2.03 per day) $14.21
STATE TAX (7%) $31.43
Vehicle Licensee Fee ($0.47 per day) $3.29
Total Estimated Mandatory Charges (USD) $480.44
Estimated Grand Total (USD) $480.44

I've never been a big fan of renting cars anyway unless I HAVE to. But you used to be able to get some wheels for a few days without it costing you a whole month's car payment! So I guess the days of the $29.99 per day rate are gone. And what exactly is a PRIVILEGE FEE? Does this mean that I now have the PRIVILEGE of driving a rental car that I have paid for? I'm supposed to feel GOOD about this?????

It's all about reducing our "carbon footprint." Well I have an opinion about where I'd like to stick my foot now after reading all this...

The car rental companies will go the way of the dodo just like the carmakers. Makes those all inclusive getaways to Mexico seem a lot more attractive now doesn't it?

Guess Al Gore is sitting back in his easy vinyl chair, laughing while thumbing through his millions in endorsement checks for "saving Mother Earth."

It's all pretty suspicious to me. But if you are so soaked in the ideology as to continue to buy into this facade, then by all means, go plop down $500 to rent some roller skates in Miami. I'll wave from the plane as I'm flying to the Mayan Riviera, forced to spend my travel dollars there instead of my own country.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New "rant"

I haven't ranted since March! Maybe it's just trying to settle into Ohio and missing my Oklahoma roots. Looking forward to fall and Sooner football! Of course there aren't many Sooner fans around the Tri State area, but we try to hold our own. Next year when OU plays Cincinnati here, we're going to open our home up for any Sooner fans that want a place to hang their head and have a backyeard tailgate party.

On politics...maybe I shouldn't go there. But I'm just not surprised that the Obama administration is doing what they are doing to our money system. I tried to warn friends and family but they didn't listen. Chicago thug politics is here to stay at least for 4-8 more years. I'm not seeing any "change" that Obama promised, except more trillions in spending. He will have spent more than Bush ever spent in Iraq. When will we pay our "fair share?" liberals ask. As if we aren't paying enough. Ask any liberal to willingly hand over their hard earned dollars to an out of control government for the "betterment of society" and see what their answer is. Ask them to pay a higher tax on anything.

And this thing in Honduras? I'm not surprised either that Obama sides with Zelaya, a left wing extrement that is the Honduran equivalent to Hugo Chavez. Screw the Honduran constitution, let's elect a dictator that will use their state run media to stay in power. Gee, any similarities there?

Enough of Michael Jackson already! Make his family pay for the extravagant services in L.A. California is bankrupt! They need to get rid of Ahnold.

The biggest joke though, has to be Al Franken as the newest Senator to take an oath of office. How much money did he pay for that? We'll never know. But gosh darnit...