Tuesday, December 2, 2008


I have to write something today about migraines. I suffer from them on a pretty frequent basis, almost twice as much since I moved to Ohio. Today I felt like a mannequin spread out on a bad B movie scientist's table. He began by wiring blood vessels onto my body like rusty Christmas ornament hangers.

One by one, bending them painfully around my plastic lifeless body.

Then came the super glue to hold everything in along with my eyes and extremeties. The smell sent me into a tilt-a-whirl state of nauseadom.

Other times, I'm like the guy in the movie "Poltergeist" standing in front of the mirror tearing his whole face apart. Then out of the corner of his eye he spots the steak crawling across the kitchen cabinet and it explodes into maggots.

Instead of steak though, for me, I see my brains. And they're full of foetid squid-like creatures just like the maggots.

You ever see close up microscopic images of jellyfish????

These are just a few of the delightful experiences I have when I experience these mind altering headaches. At least they seem mind altering. When the dizziness comes and I can't feel my fingers and mouth, life gets pretty interesting.

Well at least I'm actually up and typing this today instead of lying in a pool of drool in a mental house.

Ahhh, the joys of PTSD.

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