Thursday, February 19, 2009

More cynicism from me

I feel like griping. (What day do I not feel like doing this?)

I'm numb from watching my country go down the tubes, what can I say. Maybe I'm crazy, or criminally insane, or both. Or maybe I'm just one of the few people left with any sense of intelligence to see through what this new administration is doing to our country.

To all those Obama fans out there: You wanted change, and you're definitely getting it! To that all I can say is, "Not my fault. I voted for the other guy."

Found this on a blog. I didn't write the following:

Man puts "Abort Obama, not the unborn" sign in his car window and gets pulled over by OKC policeman named Steve McCool.
It gets more interesting.

After talking to his attorney, Harrison went home where he met the Secret Service. ''When I was on my way there, the Secret Service called me and said they weren't going to ransack my house or anything ... they just wanted to (walk through the house) and make sure I wasn't a part of any hate groups."

I don't countenance any threats to the CinC. But this comment sums up my feelings exactly:

So let me get this straight, the police/government are now telling us that abort/abortion only means "killing or murder" when used in context with Obama in a casual statement or conversation and that is not okay but when actually performed on an unborn child it simply means a "woman's choice" and this is okay! Got it!!

But I really love this one!

This is from

Classy: Obama Blows Off Brothers of 9/11 Victim, Invites Anti-Gitmo Aunt Instead

Talk about giving them the finger.
President Obama is caught smack in the middle of a family feud among 9/11 relatives of a financier killed at Ground Zero, The Post has learned.

The brothers of Adam Arias went ballistic when they learned that their aunt, Valerie Lucznikowska, was among the 9/11 relatives invited to last week's White House meeting with Obama. The brothers were not invited.

Arias, 37, a vice president of operations at Euro Brokers who worked on the 84th floor of the World Trade Center South Tower, was the eighth victim identified following the terrorist attacks.

His brothers, Andy and Donald Arias, attended the hearings of five suspected plotters of the 9/11 attacks at Guantanamo Bay last month and support keeping the facility open and prosecuting the detainees immediately.

By comparison, Lucznikowska has complained about alleged torture of Gitmo detainees and favors closing Gitmo.

The Arias brothers both sent letters to Obama protesting her presence in the Oval Office because she does not speak for or represent the Arias family.

They complained that Lucznikowska is exploiting their brother's name to promote her own agenda.
Naturally, Obama sides with the one who has an agenda.

So your brother was murdered by these monsters? Obama tells them to screw themselves.


If George Bush had done this to a family to promote his side, you KNOW it would have been front page news and he would have been demonized.

Change YOU can believe in, but not me.

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