Monday, September 22, 2008

Free market economy a thing of the past?

This is a followup to my posting earlier this week.

I've been watching the latest on the financial crisis unfold this week, as major investment bankers change their status to commercial banking, as oil prices continue to skyrocket, and our dollar has seen its worst record yet against the Euro. $700 billion price tag to bail us out? I highly doubt that. You can probably double or triple that. And this doesn't even touch the billions in our deficit.

Fans of big government are no doubt gathering to salivate at the trough this very moment, savoring what they'll probably call the "biggest victory yet" over the evils of capitalism and the free market economy. Screw the small business owners, the entrepeneurs, the go-getters who have made our country so great. "Big brother is going to bail you out."

Our country is falling apart. After two major hurricanes this year, cleanup still continuing after Katrina, this mortgage crisis, the war, immigration, our deficit, a new generation of retirees and not enough Social Security and Medicare to cover their costs, and a plethera of other things I could mention, we are in dire straits.

I know it sounds very negative. But these sobering facts are just what America needs to wake up and get her head out of the sand. We are losing our competitive edge in the global markets. Job loss is at an all time high. Medical bills are skyrocketing and the drug companies could care less if they keep us all high on ritalin and viagra.

Because we haven't paid attention and let the media and government do the thinking for us, Americans will not have the tools to fight back once our economy does collapse. Our government is going to step in and once again, preach their mantra about how they know what's best for us after all, and if we'd just trust Uncle Sam, we don't need to do anything.

The individuals responsible for the mortgage crisis are, in my opinion, scumbags, the lowest of the low, and don't deserve a penny for running their companies into the ground, ruining the lives of their employees, families and countrymen in the process. It's almost a reflection of Darwinism in itself, "The survival of the fittest." But I don't know how they can be punished without making innocent Americans pay for their greed. And that's what this bailout will wind up doing. Make us all pay. But isn't that what the elite establishment wants anyway? To redistribute all the wealth in this country and give us all a piece? I'll be looking for that piece next year when I file my taxes. I'm sure it will be there.

Unfortunately, those with fatter wallets among us will just take their investments elsewhere and stop fooling with the American markets, if commercial banking is all they can get on Wall Street after this is said and done. It won't be like Burger King anymore.

"You get it our way, Mr. Investor, or you don't get the son of a bitch."

That's ok, he will say, and take his money to Bermuda or Switzerland. Funny how that works.

But wait...don't the Kennedys have a lot of money overseas? What about that? Oh never mind...Ted Kennedy is a "man of the people," so that's perfectly okay. We can overlook that.

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