Friday, September 19, 2008

Get out the German Shepherds

That's right. A Denver University professsor assigned, to his class, a paper to be written specifically targeting Palin. He had 2 classes and apparently one class didn't speak up about it so when a student in his other class did he used the old, "Well they didn't say anything so you shouldn't either," intimidation tactic.

One of Hallam's students, Jana Barber, took her concerns about the assignment to KCNC4, which broadcast a story Wednesday night.

Barber spoke with the TV station and on the Mike Rosen radio show this morning, before filing a complaint against Hallam with the school later in the day, said Cathy Lucas, a spokeswoman for Metro State.

Lucas said Hallam made the assignment last Thursday. After consideration, he broadened it at the next class on Tuesday to allow students to write about Barack Obama, Joe Biden and John McCain, she said.

Yeah, of course he did. If the students hadn't taken action would he have changed his tune? Very very doubtful. And even then he won't pick apart the ones that write about Obama, I betcha.

I don't recall in any of my political science classes in my undergrad years being assigned anything of this nature. It was always about ISSUES and not CANDIDATES. One could always tie them in as part of the assignment I suppose, but these new directions our Universities are taking is really scary, considering that liberals want even more public education money. Public education money endorsed by liberal Democrats=professors that will say and do anything to keep their jobs=teaching a one sided view of society to students=becoming a puppet for our increasingly liberal society=donations for public education to keep the circle going. And this is teaching non partisanship and thinking objectively in our school systems exactly how???

Why do they not want vouchers and discourage and ridicule homeschooled kids? Why do they not want parents to have a choice in how to educate their children? Because the liberal mantra is what they want imposed on society and this is how they plan to do it.

When I was in grad school I was assigned a paper on human relations. Completely open to interpretation. Open ended questions. When I handed in my assignment, which was a paper on the brutality of the North Korean Gulag, the Holocaust, stem cell research and abortion, I received a written reprimand from the committee that handled my paper. First they implied I had not interpreted the questions "correctly" and that abortion and stem cell research were not human relations issues. No, I did interpret the questions correctly because they were open ended and no answer was considered "wrong." They made it "wrong" because I questioned the establishment. And um, yeah, last I checked, abortion and stem cell research are human relations issues. Hell, they're political issues too. Can't have your cake and eat it too!

Had it not been pass or fail on that particular paper, I doubt I would have passed the class. That is how biased it is. If you agree with the liberal doctrine and question everything else, you will go far in this life. If you do the opposite, you will be ousted and persecuted. You will lose job opportunities, promotions, you won't be able to "save face" with those around you because you don't "go with" the crowd.

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