Monday, September 22, 2008

Free market economy a thing of the past?

I have to rewrite this because blogger failed to save/publish a really good article that I wrote a few minutes ago and I don't have the patience to recreate it. Basically America is in trouble if we don't get our heads out of the sand and wake up to the reality around us. Big Brother will be in charge which is what the elitists want, and the people really responsible for this mortgage crisis won't really have to pay. I can hear then salivating around the trough now, as they think up ways to bilk us for that $700 billion. Yeah right. Double or triple that.

We all will pay. The investor, instead of having investment banking choices on Wall Street, will now be forced to do business in a commercial bank or take his money overseas. That's ok for good ol Ted Kennedy but not for anyone else.

When we have another Depression on our hands, because we've been too stupid to make better decisions, we can line up for the Ritalin and Viagra to take the edge off.

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