Thursday, November 1, 2007

Who's your daddy, Fred Phelps

Fred Phelps is a dichotomy of sorts. His "church," Westboro Baptist out of Topeka, KS, was just ordered to pay 11 million dollars to a family who lost a son in Iraq. At his funeral, Phelps and company were there doing their usual hateful picketing.
The father filed a lawsuit and was able to get a jury to award money based on "intent to inflict emotional distress." IT'S ABOUT TIME!!!!

We've got some great things in Kansas, but some things are going very bad for us right now. This Phelps guy, Tiller the Baby Killer, the lawsuits against Planned Parenthood, and the Tiller coverup by Sebelius.

But I'll just concentrate on Phelps for today. He's the lowest of the low. I just watched an interview with CNN's Rick Sanchez where Phelps claims his protests are respectful preaching of the word of God about the real reason soldiers die (homosexuality) and he is the real victim here. He cut Sanchez off and accused him of being brainwashed and believing a bunch of "hooey."

The man sounded like he'd been drinking, IMHO. He's also got an unhealthy obsession with homosexuality. First of all, there are no biblical references on his protest material that I've seen, as he claims to be preaching at these protests. They're just posters portraying hateful messages with the INTENT TO DO HARM AND INFLICT EMOTIONAL DISTRESS. There is no loving message of God.
If one looks at Phelp's history, you can deduce that he's a freakshow. He lives in a compound, he's a control freak, he beat his own kids, at one time he had a pool in his backyard but had to have the hole covered up because of the mysterious drowning of a child in that pool several years ago.
I also have to wonder if this guy really is who he claims to be. It's just a fishy deal. Is he really the right winger preacher that he wants everybody to think he is? Well, he's a registered Democrat. Democrats are supposed to be supporters of homosexuality by and large aren't they? At least that's what the media wants us to believe. Phelps preaches hatred against homosexuals, it appears, to incite the gay community. I haven't seen any Republican out there incite as much hatred against gays like this guy. Then he's out there protesting at military funerals because of homosexuality to piss off the military crowd. So he's playing both sides. What's he gaining? Publicity? Money? Both? A cult following? Probably everything a narcissistic personality craves. Narcissistic supply and then some. (Wow, Fred, you're really getting some big payoffs here, aren't you?)
Look at the "see, gotcha" knee jerk reaction of the atheists and nonbelievers out there. "See, look at how Christians behave. Isn't this deplorable?" Then Phelps' message is used to help prop up their stance against God and religion in mainstream America.
STOP IT, PHELPS. You're giving Christians a bad rap here.

Looks like now he's got a lawsuit on his hands. I'm sure it's not the first, and it surely won't be the last. What sickens me is that he proudly wears his KU jacket everywhere he goes. If I was a KU fan I'd be wanting to send the JayHawk mascot out there in public to kick his butt and put it on national TV. Have some picketers in the background standing by too and get it all on camera. I would pay to see that.

"The media loves Fred Phelps"
"Repent, Fred Phelps"
"Say Uncle, Fred Phelps"
"Who's your daddy, Fred Phelps"

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