Monday, October 6, 2008

Bob Beckel is a liar

Yesterday on Fox News, Bob Beckel went on record to say that the voting process in Ohio being classified as dubious is an outright lie. That you can't walk into a booth with no ID and just get a ballot and they don't check it.

Well I am an Ohio voter, and here is exactly what happened to me:

I walked into the County Election office, had my ID and a utility bill ready to give the lady, and she said she did not need it. WHAT? No ID or proof of address???
No, just fill out the form and be sure to put the last digits of your SSN. So I did.
Then she asked me if I wanted to vote today as an absentee. I asked, well don't you have to give a reason to be absentee?


It took me about 15 minutes to fill out everything and vote right there on the spot. They entered my name and address in the database but did not check my SSN to ensure I was who I said I was. I watched them do it right in front of me.

It was convenient I will say that, but it's really spooky that we can be so cavalier about our Presidential elections. You have to practically give your firstborn when you apply for a mortgage but to vote in Ohio apparently all you need to be able to do is read a form and sign it.

Cuba Gooding Jr. was in Dayton OH this week at a local University to encourage kids to vote. He walked about 100 of them over to the election office (can you say publicity stunt?) where, just outside of the 100 feet marker by the entrance, is a big sign that reads: Obama 08: Change we need. Vote today!!!

Shame on you Bob Beckel for being a liar. How much did Obama pay you to say those things on Fox News???

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