Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Criticism of Sarah Palin

I find it really funny how people keep saying that Sarah Palin doesn't have enough "experience" to be a VP of our country. What exactly is this "experience" that the people want?

1) Being able to artfully spin your way out of an argument, thus avoiding any tough questions
2) Going on partisan friendly news shows so that you don't have to get grilled on anything you disagree with
3) Taking advantage of the recent mortgage crisis and doing nothing to stop it (Can you say Nancy Pukosi, Dingy Harry, Chris Dood and Barney Fife?)
4) Asking for $700 billion with no strings attached to bail out our markets?
5) Saying that FDR made a TV announcement after the 1929 market crash?
6) Getting "serviced" in the Oval Office
7) Being able to have an anti-American mentor/pastor for over 20 years and be immune from criticism?
8) Being friends with anti-American loons that just want to bomb the White House?
9) Spending our way into this debt to begin with (i.e. Iraq War)
10) Being unfaithful to spouses, having extramarital affairs with staff and bringing hookers across state lines? (Maybe even fathering a baby while your wife is dying from cancer?)

I could list so many more things. If this is the "experience" that people want, maybe it's time to let America keep having it so they can be duped into believing our lawmakers are true leaders. And then they can keep getting more of the same.

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