Friday, October 10, 2008

Delusional Christians

It's fascinating to watch atheists denounce Christians as delusional, say the Bible is mythology and that all God believers should be locked away, and imply that if we just "dispel" our faith we will be intelligent like them.

Well got a news flash for ya, liberals. Obama has said he is a Christian, goes to church and reads his Bible. Yet many of you are going to vote for him because you can't fathom voting for the McCain/Palin ticket. So I don't see how you can argue this and be okay with it. I see a very big hole in this logic.

Either way, looks like we will have another Christian president on our hands. Unless you guys really think deep down Obama isn't "really" a Christian and you can make an exception?? That it's okay to bash the Republican ticket over religion, but not Obama's?

Also, the American Psychiatric Association literature, as well as the DSM-IV reference book, do not promote religious beliefs as delusional.
And the Bible has not been officially endorsed by ANY secular organization worth any salt as mythology.

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