Saturday, August 11, 2007


These are the newest posts on Mr. Croft's blog:

TXAtheist said:

god or anyone else, please email me and not clog up this blog, thanks. Anyway god I would like to know if you find the word prayer, god, jesus, christ, religion or bible in the Constitution? The fact the Thomas Jefferson elaborates to that extent about the meaning of the Constitution/Bill of Rights is the best reason to think I we understand that it meant separation of church and state. The letter was to the Danbury Baptists.
Saturday, August 11, 2007 10:14:00 PM

It's okay if it's another atheist posting lots of support on the blog over and over but if it's someone that continuously asks lots of questions, trying to understand what it going on, then that's not okay, it's "clogging" up the blog. Time to get out the guns and get rid of them. So much for an open debate eh? That's what's wrong with this country. Too many people on one side wanting to shut up the people on the other side.

No, God is not in the Constitution. It's a secular document. But He is in the Declaration of Independence and State Constitutions, all of which came after the Constitution.

I still, I guess, fail to realize how this infringes upon the moment of silence issue in the classroom and how it is so WRONG to take 60 seconds of your day to reflect upon something positive that may have happened in your life. Maybe you had a fun day at the park over the weekend and want to reflect on that before taking a test, or maybe you just want to think about that fun pizza party you're going to have after school today.

Is it so WRONG to pledge allegiance to a country whose soldiers have paid the price for our freedoms and made it possible for us to even be able to have these discussions?

We've bended for you. We've given in over and over. What more do you want?

In 1991, I went to Russia with a student group right after the Soviet Union collapsed. When we were in Moscow, a group of people came up to us on the Metro and asked us if we were Americans. We said yes. They asked if we were Christians and if they could pray with us. They said they were so happy that they could finally practice their religion and pray without consequences. This to me is true Christianity. These people were humble, giving, and non-judgmental. It is why I was drawn to the origins of my faith in the Orthodox Church and abandoned my Southern Baptist upbringing. I have had several traumatic experiences in my life that have tested my faith in God, but I have always believed, and always will. I really fail to understand how someone could say that God is "pretend" and "just a myth." This is why we will always be on opposite sides I guess.

Does this even have to be about a deity? Or a God? Or prayer? Or is it being twisted to make it seem that way so that a lawsuit can be filed to gain some kind of notoriety in the community?

TXAtheist and Mr. Croft, I know you probably have heard this over and over, but I will say it. I'm going to keep you and your families in my prayers with the hope that someday you will come to know the Lord in all His glory and mercy.

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