Friday, September 21, 2007

Redefining Christianity

Christianity must be redefined if we are to live in a politically correct society. There is no God. There is no Jesus. He's just a myth and we're all just deluded, so let's give secular humanism a try and be our own God for once. Wow, why didn't I just get this sooner???

Christianity has to be relegated to the back burner once and for all and redefined to make everyone feel comfortable with its teachings. No accountability, no rules, no faith. It just has to be stamped out people! Why aren't any of us getting this????

Wow, what am I supposed to do when I want to read my Bible or recite the Jesus prayer? Or give Glory to my Creator?

"You have no Creator. God didn't do any of this."

Wait, you're a faulty human being. How can you be so arrogant and tell me that?

"Because science tells me it's true. Now put away your Bible now and stop believing in all of that supernaturalist nonsense and start learning to think for yourself."

"But I am thinking for myself. I see all this around me and I can't just believe it came from some matter."

"Well, it did, and every scientist thinks so, and the media and the schools teach it that way, so put away your Bible and stop reciting those prayers or else I might have to commit you to a mental institution for being crazy. By the way, that bible is just mythology anyway. Did you know that? I bet you didn't know that."

"Poor human reason, when it trusts in itself, substitutes the strangest absurdities for the highest divine concepts”

-St John Chrystostom


Anonymous said...

If the article wasn't drowning is sarcasm I'd say good article. Without the bible we do just fine morally contrary to your bias that morality comes from religion. Politically correct? How about intellectually honest to say god is a myth. Your minister is much more arrogant and dishonest than science. Explaining nature doesn't require tithing or even think of asking for such a donation. Your god isn't even a faulty human, he's a figment of your imagination so he's not even faulty, he's fictional. You not believing this all just came from matter makes you scientifically illiterate. "Poor human reason, it's all we have."

Swordsandlace said...

TX, I'm sorry if my article made you angry. But it is representative of how God is subtly being taken away from our society, bit by bit. It's been happening for 2000 years. The unfortunate thing is that Christians are falling asleep to it and not seeing what's plainly in front of them.
The slider is moving toward a Godless society, politically, academically, and in the media world. All of the stimuli are there to do it.
Look at Verichip. I can't say with any authority on that, but it very well could be a precursor to the Mark of the Beast spoken about in Revelation. It's all packaged quite nicely right now to get us to accept a form of that right now it though, for our pets, etc and farm animals. They're even talking about putting that in humans. We already have atms, scanners, etc. Everything is moving toward that kind of society where we will have to depend completely on some sort of technology, and that is dangerous.
The Bible Prophecies in Revelation are true, TX. The Jewish Temple will be rebuilt.

Just a question, but why aren't Buddhists persecuted as much here? Wiccans?
Do you know that in Seattle they actually banned Halloween in one school district because it was offensive to Wiccans?
Here's the article right here:

Where do Christians get that same kind of respect? We have to live with "Winter Festival" on our school calendars now instead of Christmas season because it's offensive to everyone else. Yet many people still put out a tree, buy presents and expect the same amount of time off with their families as everyone else.

Buddhism and Wicca do not conflict as much with atheism as Christianity, that is the only thing I can deduce. I put a post up about this awhile back and said I was going to add my own theory as to why some religions are not as persecuted as others.
These other religions do not pose as much of a threat to atheism as Christianity. Hindu, Buddhism, Wicca, etc. may all have gods, but you are more accepting of them and do not write nearly as many books and concentrate so much effort to get rid of their gods in society as the Christian God, the God of the Bible.

I don't understand why you are so angry at God. I'm sure that if we met in person, we'd get along just fine because you seem like a nice guy who enjoys a good debate. I'm REALLY laid back, you have no idea.
No, I don't have a science degree, but my husband is a successsful chemist and he explains a lot of things to me that make sense. And he's a creationist.
I once questioned like you do, TX. I was angry too and couldn't understand. But now I do. Please lay down your bitterness and learn to have a relationship with God again before it is too late.
I pray that you do.

Anonymous said...

I am not angry nor bitter. You smear me with these false characteristics and then ask some really rhetorical questions. If your husband is a chemist and creationist he's not successful, he's stupid.

Anonymous said...

I see you don't like to have someone referred to as stupid but hopefully you saw the irony in labeling me angry and bitter. I am not angry with santa, the tooth fairy or god...they don't exist so why be in discontent with fictional beings.

Swordsandlace said...

TX, if my showing concern for your spiritual health is tantamount to smearing in your eyes, then I guess you have to see it for however it makes sense to you. I'm very sorry it came across that way.
I have the right, on my blog, to post my views, no matter how rhetorical they may be. I've simply illustrated how I feel in regards to society as a whole treating Christians. I fail to see how this is an attack against you personally.
Furthermore, as for my husband being stupid because he happens to believe in God, well, the things you have written just make me love him all the more. And you would be in the extreme minority that would say/think he is stupid, so this does not bother me.
I will say it once more, I hope you will come to terms woth whatever it is you are searching for and come to know God again before it is too late.


Anonymous said...

That's all I want. See that I am completely and fully content accepting that god/jesus are nothing but myths. If you can see that then you are accepting of me in the same manner I accept you are a xian. I don't expect you to see it that way, just understand that I do, and I'm content with it.

Swordsandlace said...


Your right to believe what you want is guaranteed in this country. But I will not be persecuted for my Christian beliefs and have God removed, no matter how subtle the tricks are that are out there to do it. I see right through them. I will stand up for them and fight for them, no matter what.
Just because we believe in God, this makes Christians no less intelligent than Atheists. You have said this yourself, that we evolved equally.

Anonymous said...

Persecuted? I'm just having a persecution, I promise. Have I ever implied I want you to stop believing or want you to stop going to church or wanted your bible taken away from you?

I was making a point and didn't mean you or your husband are stupid. When you said I was angry and bitter I called you stupid to show you how it felt to be labeled.

Swordsandlace said...

I need a beer.

Anonymous said...

Now that's good to hear that you are relaxed about this and just winding down with a good beer. It appears you do see that what I am after is simply meeting in the middle.

Swordsandlace said...

I'll have a beer with anyone and discuss any topic, but as soon as I get attacked personally for my Christian beliefs, that's a clear signal to me that it's not about meeting halfway. It's about trying to reprogram my thinking and bending to those that want to replace my faith with something else. How can that ever be meeting halfway?